Edge loop to curve

I’m using blender 2.70 and can’t seem to find the edge/edge loop to curve function so that I can make this net. Is it a script I have to get somewhere?
Here’s what I am doing. Should seem pretty obvious.

This doesn’t answer your question but, I would not make the net out of curves. I would model the net from a plane, give it a little thickness with the solidify modifier, UV it, and use an alpha texture for the holes. If this is for an animation, then you could do the same thing, but use the cloth modifier on the net.

Just a thought.

Yeah that’s what I figured to do in the time it took to get my post approved!

For anyone who would actually like to convert an edge loop to a curve in 2.70, do the following.

Select an mesh object that is an open or closed string of connected vertices.

In Object Mode, from the Object menu, select Convert to > Curve from Mesh/Text.

This will create a poly curve. If you want a Bezier or NURBS curve:

switch to Edit Mode, then from the Curve Tools, click Set Spline Type to convert to Bezier or NURBS.

That’s it!

Out of interest, what would happen to the areas at the sides of the extrusion, would they be transparent?

I don’t know. I never tried it.