Blender 2.71 build Cycles Smoke: Smoke cache will not update in render

I have been using a test build of 2.71 with Cycles smoke and fire support which I got from Build Bot. Short and sweet version:
I baked an animation cache of 240 frames for a flame off of a simple object for testing. Now when I try to render a given frame with Cycles, the flame cache will not update to the render, even though the simulation is progressing in the 3D Viewport. For example, say I set the frame to 24, when previously it had been at 1, frame 1 will be the one rendered. If I do this again, say setting the frame to 48, frame 1 is still the rendered frame. This is also the case when I try to render the entirety of the animation (I get 240 copies of frame 1, which is blank).

Also, if I use the 3D Viewport “Rendered” view, the cache will not update to Cycles when the frame is changed unless I set the view to “Object” and then back to “Rendered.”

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.