Blender on Samsung ATIV 500T

Just installed Blender on a Samsung ATIV 500T, Windows 8.1. When I try to navigate in the 3D screen, the GUI gets distorted. I’m getting the same results in 2.69 and 2.7. Screenshot attached.

Moving in the 3D window will cause the interface windows to stretch as shown. Hovering over a specific window will reset its display momentarily before navigating to other windows starts it again.

Any feedback on any changes I can make to drivers or the like is appreciated. Thanks.

Sadly what your experiencing is a problem with the Intel iGPU drivers, I had the same issues on my W510 which had the same processor. I sadly never got it working, and now have a Dell VP11 instead.

I appreciate the response. I’ll keep looking for options. Thanks!

For anyone else who happens to read this thread, the latest version of Blender I was able to install on the ATIV 500T without any User Interface problems was 2.64. Had hoped for at least 2.66, but can’t complain :slight_smile: