How to curve a straight edge on a mesh?

How to curve a straight edge on a mesh? Anyone can explain to me?

Thank you!
Mr D

you cannot!

only way is to subdivide edge then you can use simple modifier or a lattice ect

happy bl

how do you want to curve your edge? if you want to smooth of the edge/corner of mesh you can bevel it, either with Ctrl E->Bevel or with a bevel modifier. If you want to make part of the mesh into a curve (like for horns or something) you can subdivide it like Ricky said, you can extrude it, or you can loop cut and slide it and then manipulate the edge loops or something.
you have to find the way that best suits your project.

does depend on exactly what your trying to do
but could try proportional editing , hide areas you don’t want to deform

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You’re coming from sketchup, right? Well, sketchup has a rather unusual mesh system that allows curved faces. Most 3d packages, including Blender, do not. An edge is always straight. If you want curved surfaces you will need subsurfs. Or just many small faces close together.

No I’m not coming from any other programs. I just want to do something simple like, say, if I had a square, and wanted to get one edge to bevel in. Just one edge, not the whole square.

I think I see what you guys mean. Even if I add a new circle to a scene, it’s just a bunch of vertices which are curved, so it’s not an exact circle. But it can look circular when you turn on smooth shading it seems to me.

That being said, say I do subdivide and add more vertices, how can I make those specific vertices follow the grease pencil or some kind of curved shape without manually dragging each one?

can you show some pic so we can see what you mean !

happy bl

In this photo I can assume I make a normal square and then the left and right outer edges can be beveled some how?

try using curves

I looked at some tutorials but I wasn’t sure how. basically if I start with a flat box, say 2d, and want to curve one edge of the mesh, that’s what I can’t find how to do. When I look at tutorials, they are using other methods which bevel the whole mesh.

what if you use curve to outline the object then covert to mesh put 3d cursor to the edge you want curved and use the proportional edit…i might be completely wrong in what you are trying to acheive but i hope that will give you one idea. i will make a blend file to see if it work and send to you is it that image you posted that you want ??

ooooo nevermind misread your comment. sorry well i hope there is a solution

just draw the 1/2 whole shape add mirror
again here you could draw only 1/4 of it and add 3 mirror X Y Z

then select edges at then end and set it to normal extrude and scale down a little
should take 5 minutes max

try something like that

axes2.blend (514 KB)

you will need to add a edgesplit after applying the mirror !

happy bl