Texturing smoke

Howdy all.

Ok, so what I am looking to do is emit smoke from a shape. Lets keep it simple and say the shape is a flat square surface.
I want to apply an image texture to that square…any image.

I then want the smoke generated, to follow the color information of the image texured onto the square. If its a muticolored image, then the smoke should be generated multicolored.

Is this possible?

Is this possible using cycles?

please help.

Not entirely. You can affect the amount of smoke emitted with the texture, and you can give the smoke a constant color, but it can’t pick up a color off the texel it was emitted from. Color is apparently constant for a single emitter. I suppose you could approximate the effect with a grid of small emitters each with a hand-set color to match an image region. Hardly perfect and a bit of work, but depending on the effect you want, it might be close enough. (the colors would diffuse fairly quick anyway if you did this “for real”).

It can be rendered in Cycles, but only in dev builds, not 2.70. For the moment (this might get replaced with a better method later) you can add an attribute node and enter “color”. The color output will now be your smoke colors.

Thank you for the reply.

Your solution seems pretty good for a possible work around. I hope that the possibility of emitting this kind of data from a texture might come in later builds of blender… As far as I know, older versions of Fume cant do this either, but would be quite exciting to play with.