Not sure if this counts as a focused critique


Since I couldn’t find the complaint section figured I would post this here. You know blender was a really nice peace of software to use but the users have been pretty crappy to me. All ya all have been down on me a lot ever since I joined this site. I offer a movie project and all you just critisize so much. I realize a lot of movie projects fail because the director or whatever doesn’t have his ducks in a row. The users of blender have treated me very poorly and I’m disappionted enough with it to move to a different software and tell blender and the users to screw off.

Show a little respect and you get a little respect back. I wouldn’t let a few body bags prevent me from enjoying a piece of software.

Actually I’ve shown a lot of respect

dude you had two responses to your volunteer request thread both of which merely asked for a bit more info on what you had achieved in your project, that would interest volunteers to join you. this little snit fit is your response? whos’s being disrespectful here? did you seriously expect the entire community to jump into your project cheering and waving flags at the thought of bailing out your project that you personally had done sod all on in the past 7 YEARS!
no one cares about your project, evidently that includes you, by all means go, use some other software but don’t use us as an excuse for your own failings, and don’t blame your new software community either when you get nowhere there too.

Moved from “Artwork > Focused Critique” to “Support > Blender Artists Website Support”

If you have issues with the website or the community therein, this is the correct forum.

By your name which your name is small troll that’s a really crappy response to this thread. I don’t need anyone to bail out my project
I could give a shit less excuse my language about someone offering to bail me out. Yeah I responded to the other guys giving them more detail about my project. You just did not see those replies. What I’m pissed about is all you blender artist be so shitty towards me and down on me saying I have to do all this work in order to create a movie well the truth is I’ve done a lot of work over the past 7 YEARS ! including moving to Poser pro 2014 to make my characters render much better. I’ve already heard many shitty things about this website. I’m not having a snit fit. I’m saying that I’m sick of the critisim. I haven’t failed I’ve had more set backs. I don’t give up.
I met a guy on here that was willing to help me out and he ended up screwing me over. I do NOT! need to be bailed out. I simply asked for some help but as usual every one turns their back. So when I create my movie and I’m the top dog maybe you’ll be coming to me to come bail your project out. I’M NOT STUPID AND I WASN’T BORN YESTERDAY.

And by the way i work for a major animation corperation i’ll be giving blender a bad review this year hope your happy all you blender artist.

There’s really no call for the abusive language you’re using. If you don’t mind, could you post a link to the thread(s) where you feel you’ve been attacked?

if you look in the Tairron Project in the volunteer thread section on the last reply the guy said I was asking for too much which was very offensive to me. I’m sorry if you feel my language is abusive but I’m pretty frustrated with artist that use blender. I believe in helping other acheive their goals whatever it takes. I believe in teamwork. I believe when someone has a promising idea that could work it’s nice to help that person make their idea into a reality rather then critisize.

Well, it’s extremely difficult to discern the full context of the situation since it appears that you’ve deleted all of the content in the original post (and some of your posts after that).

That said, I might be able to hazard a guess as to what’s happened. Over the years (even before there was a volunteer work forum), this forum has seen a very large number of online collaborative project proposals. Quite a few people have been burned by investing substantial amounts of time in a project only to have it pulled from underneath them… either by the original person asking for help or a loss of spirit in the overall team.

And in fact, we still have a lot of people proposing ideas and asking for volunteer help on their passion projects… you can see more of them alongside yours in the Volunteer Work forum. Because of this, a few members here get suspicious when a new person posts asking for help, but doesn’t appear to have all of the elements necessary to appeal for getting free help. You have to understand, you’re not offering anyone any kind of opportunity. You’re asking for them to choose helping you on your project rather than helping someone else… or working on their own personal projects. As such, you’ve got to get people interested and excited… and to do that, you need to show that you’re planning on working harder than they are (and already have) to get the project done. And simply saying you’ve invested time isn’t enough. They need to see results of planning or evidence of past success to get excited.

He didn’t say you were asking for too much. He said you were asking for a lot given the amount of time you had been working on the project. He was asking for clarification about what progress you have made in those seven years. If someone is to join a long-term project, you should expect that they would want some background information about the status of that project. How on Earth is that offensive?

For that matter, how does that one guy’s response merit a bad review for the software? It’s not as if that dude comes bundled with every download of Blender.

Son i’ve read through the threads and havn’t come across a single instance of anyone being down on you. in fact, this is this thread has the most reply’s you’ve ever had. in more fact the only person to actually be down on you is me and the only reason for that is this thread which you blame the entire blender community, for your own failings, and because the community isnt interested in what your offering you dismiss the software and threaten us with bad reviews? lol.
just bother to read though your posts on this thread and try to tell me your not having a childish tantrum.
oh and running a laptop from your parents dining room doesn’t count as a major animation studio.

spartan228 please post progress of your 7 year old project, i am curious what you have made

To reply to your post Jerryno well over the past 7 years I’ve done more learning then creating. What I can tell you is I have made my characters render much more better by combining software with Blender. I have built props. I still working on learning how to build like the world for the animation cities and such. I have written so far a 5 to 6 pages of the story with still more ideas coming out on the paper. Honestly I suck at animation. So I’m still learning animating characters and objects. My computer crashed before and I lost half my data but I just picked myself back up and rebuilt what I can. My successes may be few but I don’t give up.

I believe you. This is the path that MANY aspiring amateur movie producers take. It is a very tempting, seductive path. Unfortunately, it is a path that leads into a lonely valley where you are the only one working on your project, and more often than not, the project dies unfinished in that arid wasteland.

If you want a team to work on your project, then the story must come first. Had you spent seven years writing and re-writing and work-shopping and re-drafting and editing and throwing out and re-starting that story you’d have massaged it by now into something that could put fire into anyone’s belly and you’d have people lining up to work on it. But you didn’t.

You spent seven years working through tutorials, making models, trying out other software, looking for shortcuts and not finding any, buckling down to do some of the hard work of understanding the 3D graphics process, as so many of us do who wind up posting at BlenderArtists. Nothing wrong with that path, mind you. But it’s not the path of a compelling storyteller who will inspire a team to work on a project.

Ok first of all I am NOT!! a amateur artist. Second of all you all have insulted me an every possible way. You call yourself 3D
graphic artists well you are all fakes if you treat us people with great ideas like shit. Let me tell you something your projects that you work on will end up in a wasteland somewhere not making it just because of what you said to me. Actually it’s none of your business how long I have been working on the project for first of all are you going to finance it? I think not. I just gave you all a random number.
seeing if anyone would be interested. Turns out the things I’ve heard about this site are true. I have not been looking for any shortcuts
dumb ass there are none in 3D graphic animations. Let me tell you where my path leads. It leads to great ideas that will inspire other people. It leads to an awesome story and an awesome animated movie. My path leads to success. So don’t even try to read what my path is YOU ARE NOT GOD and never will be. I believe in God and myself and that’s enough to make this project work. That’s enough to make my life successful. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve waisted enough damn time on here. I got a business and a job to get started for the day. So can screw off.

Wait, let me get this straight. This is how every conversation you’ve had so far has gone:

spartan 228: I want people to help me with my project.

OtherGuy: Hmmm. Maybe. Well before I commit my time and effort to your project, can I see what you’ve accomplished so far? I just want to see what this project is like and how it’s progressing so I can decide if it’s a good fit for me.


Right on. You are definitely not an amateur, and we’re the rude ones. Thank you for showing us the light.

This is what I would call Harassment so if you all don’t shut you pie hole I don’t know maybe one day this site will just disappear.
It’s none of your business what I’ve accomplished so far unless your going to finance the project.

How would anyone know if they want to finance the project unless you show them something?

And no, it’s not harassment to reply to a public forum post.

Um. This thread is done.

@spartan228, please refrain from making such abusive posts and personal attacks. There is no call for that… especially when most people have responded to you in a far less antagonistic way (with a couple exceptions).

In any case, consider this a warning.

Thread closed.