Ocean Simulation Problem with Animating Properly

Hi Blender Community I am a new member of this site and I am currently making an animation for the PYP IB Exhibition and Im a student. When I was watching this tutorial http://vimeo.com/72308216 and Ocean.blend (1.54 MB) is my blend file and when I run the animation and I have setup the key frames and I have seen the ocean animating in the Open GL view but then once I proceed with rendering the animation it just plays the frame one of the animation over and over again.

Please help me because we have to get this project done soon.:frowning:

Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “Support > Particles and Physics Simulations”

In the render setting you had output set to to png. change that to a video format and then click render animation.

In general, I would recommend doing a test at a very small size (resolution) maybe 20%, and low samples (50) to make sure lighting/camera movement etc… looks right before rendering for 5 hours just to realize you had some setting wrong. Although this scene has only a couple objects and you shouldn’t have any issue in this file.


yep, as the previous poster said, the actual rendering works (even with PNG, BUT only if you need to have an image sequence, which is safer in case blender crashes during rendering… that image sequence can then be put together to a movie file in a 2nd step as well (within blender too)

Furthermore, as i assumed you wanted to have viewport cycles rendering available, i tried to simplify the scene a bit by playing around with the ocean modifier settings (you had over 1,3 m triangles, my simpler scene has only 80000) then the animation runs faster and (i think) less geometry is rendered faster as well. Hope i did not crank the settings down TOO low…

Ocean1.blend (1.55 MB)