PsyOps Open Source Arnold Shader, Possibility to port to Cycles?

I guess most of you have seen the post about SSS skin shader ported from Arnold to Cycles by m9105826.
Now I don’t know if it was a port of the Shader code, or back engineered with Cycles shader nodes.

Anywho, PsyOp had a neat Shader for Arnold on their blog, that looks really good. Just giving it some notice here and if someone with them skills in Arnold and Cycles and time/interest to port it over exist here.

Here’s the blog post.

and finally the GitHub repo.

Cheers, and big up for PsyOp making the Shader open source.

Interesting… I’ll have a read!

Cool, do it. It looks somewhat exaggerated in the woman figurine example in the video. but the glasses and crystal before it looked awesome.

From my understanding we would at least need custom ray tagging to record a history of volumes the ray has been trough for this to work. But the shader is not only nested dielectrics and some other stuff like the dispersion is doable I think. Personally I am most interested in the nested dielectrics and the direct refraction. I don’t know what’s possible using OSL tough.