Hair to curves to hair


I would like to know if it is possible to convert hair system to curves to hair system like this picture ?

The point is to comb hair with curves like shave and haircut does.
Like that we can create some hair guide with some children, convert them to curves and then use these curves to drive another hair system with more children and so more realiste result.

With this technic we could also animate hairs by curves with dynamic for exemple.

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Even better and less painful:

Not the result I want sorry.

The simple way to do what I whant will be to convert children into curves Guides.

Blender uses particles for strand rendering and so you can’t use curves as guides. And so far as I know there is no way to convert a hair particle system to curves.

Edit: You can press convert on the particle modifier of the hair object and it converts your hair to a mesh, then press Alt-C and select “curve from mesh/text”

I think under the modifiers panel you can convert hair particles to mesh, then mesh to curves with Alt+C, then the Poly spline to Bezier and handles to Auto… quite a few steps! but never tried using them as guides
rendering curve objects as strands would be great for sure

Ha, I was too late!

It’s not what I want, sorry !

Another question !

Is it possible to do this ?

Have a particle system with guide curves, then add a new one, use the data block of the firts to use the same guide curves, but with another parameters like on the picture.

O my test when I clic on the 2 to make my databloc unique, I have no guide curves anymore.

Hi Pitiwazou, /* et merci pour tes tutoriels */,
For the new question about copying the guide curves, I looked at the outliner (using Datablocks): the guide curves are under Object/Particle Systems/ Particles, at the same level than Particle Settings, so it cannot be duplicated when you make your Particle Settings unique.
To copy these datas you need a Python script with two loops (for each particle and then for each particle hair key).
It would be interesting to have it in Blender.
Another cool feature would be to be able to snap the hair keys to a surface (don’t work, doesn’t know if it’s a bug).

Hi pitiwazou,your requests are interesting,I’m using blender hair particles since years(mainly for fur)and I agree with you,the possibility to reuse parent particles could be a great addition.
Unfortunately this doesn’t exist,and even if probably it can be done with scritping it’s not the same stuff,as the correct way to have this is if the particle data were instances,so you could comb only one particle system and reuse the data where and how you want.
This is so important that,for my needs,I actually stopped to comb fur and I use it only procedurally(using an uv set only for defining the tangent direction),but,of course,for hair it doesn’t work,only for fur.