PI: Probably Improbable

This is a game I have been working on as a sort of side-project. I wanted to make a simpler game and try do it right so that I can implement what I have learned into the bigger project. Anyway, here’s what I’ve done so far…

It’s called “Probably Improbable”. During some sort of alien space invasion, you fly around planet Earth collecting fuel cells, dodging asteroids and satellites. Why? Because why not! It’s probably improbable anyway…

So yeah it’s basically a 2D runner game with procedurally generated obstacles. It needs hella work on the generation, but I am pleased by what I have accomplished so far. The particle effects and graphics are pretty much done.

Needed to be finished:

  • Procedural generation
  • Difficulties
  • Menus (including options and key bindings) – might use bgui, though I’d like to do it from scratch like I’ve done with the rest of the game.
  • HUD
  • Some aspects of the graphical fidelity
  • Sound (including music)

Some notes: I created the entire game from scratch in about 2 weeks, with the exception of using the methods of some 2D filters that I had to look up the algorithms to. The textures are all created in GIMP, and models in Blender (they’re mostly just spheres and planes), with exception to the font which I created a couple years ago and then converted using FTBlender (the program’s name was FontForge or something I think).

This game is a very easy potential port to a mobile game one day when the engine supports OpenGL ES 2.0. It just has 2 controls (up and down) and isn’t really graphically nor cpu demanding if you strip it down a bit.

Uploading some screenshots now…

Dat Lens Flare…Looks great, may i suggest giving the earth a texture? and/or increasing the blue hue radiating from the earth itself?
great progress so far!

Shot. The lens flares are just textures I made in GIMP. I was writing a shader for it and found the performance was terrible, and it looked horrible too. I might add an Earth texture, but it will be quite cartoonish to match the style of the rest of the game. Might do the same for the moon. I think I accidentally inverted the normals of the world’s atmosphere… I’ll remember to change that.

First update.

  • Got a menu layout and it is halfheartedly functioning. Still need to configure the actual functions of the settings and add key bindings menu. Got some problem with getting the name of the objects after removing and adding the scene I need to fix.
  • Created a world texture. I traced over a NASA image then painted. Its edge is slightly warped but unnoticeable.
  • Done main sounds just need to add them to the game.
  • Fixed atmosphere
  • Made moon texture.

Now that’s a lens flare that’d leave even JJ Abrams shielding his eyes! It looks great so far!

Alright, well I pretty much forgot that I had made this game :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m working on something new now and never really finished this – the basic game is there, it just needs some polishing up in the menus, settings and sound effects… So I’m releasing the source :slight_smile: It’s not very impressive nor well organised, but, hey, I think it might be useful to someone somewhere.

Do what you want with it. You can use any of the assets wherever you want.

Enjoy, perhaps!

(tell me if the link fails)