Magnetic Ray trams, to see, and a question.

Here are magnetic ray trams,

I have been wondering how one might navigate a navmesh shaped this way using these trams,

I am not sure if the steering actuator can be used when the object floats over the navmesh…


MagneticTrams.blend (658 KB)

is cool. (and not stress even Bullet :smiley: )

i not think is doable somthing as you say wit steering , simply it do “find and follow” both , and not remain much margin of freedom.
just try to raaise the navmesh in the mid hair but i suspect that still “rigid” .

or maybe try to add a actuator force field constraint, depend if write before or after steering

This is great! I would of never thought of doing something like that, pretty smart. I like putting a bunch of bumps on the torus and watching them go “off road”.

For me it does the physics is 4% and logic is 3%, but I have a really crappy laptop.

Edit:I can’t help but think Muslamic ray guns when I see the title.