Can you change what the reset potion of a rig is?

So a while back i made an IK rig for a character, and not too long ago i made a face rig for the facial expressions and eye movements. However when i reset the pose (Alt +G,S,R) the look at bone for the eyes don’t go where i would like them to. And then just on other occasions, resetting to a neutral pose would be more convenient than a T pose.

Is there some way i can make a pose and then let blender know i would like that to be the pose for when i do a Alt + G,R,S?

Thank you (:

Hah i see what you mean by IK rigs are problematic.

Mine has his feet spread apart alittle and so i thought i would put them closer together and stand the character up a bit more so he isn’t bending his knees, and when i apply it as the rest pose the custom bone shapes i use for the rig stay in the place but the model goes back to what it was previously doing. so it almost just offsets the bones.

I guess i’ll just have to make a pose in the pose library then d:

I use to do alot with FK rigs but i’d really rather not go back to that xD