Nixie Tube 2.0

I made one of these a year or so ago and wanted to do it again. I’ll probably finish it tomorrow. I started work on it late and I have to get some sleep. I’ll post the before and then the after pic.

ok these are really old like on IBM 360 ! LOL

don’t remember the filament was so thin!

did you add some composite effect here ?


Yeah I was thinking they may be on the thin side. There is another mesh that is hexagons. I believe it works as a heatsink to evenly disperse the heat from the numbers so they don’t heat the glass unevenly and break it. I’m taking my time on this. I have a bad habit of rushing and then settling for less than perfect when I get close the finish line. That’s only 300 samples. I’m working on the numbers now. I am using curves and plan to bevel them with a 4 vert circle. Yeah I’ve always liked these things. Very retro scifi.

No composite effects. Just an HDRI environment. This will be very detailed. You can’t tell from this render bu there are bubbles in the glass at the bottom. I’m going to add as much detail as I can to the final model.

do you have a real model or only pics?
are you making like a panel for it too?

is this for a game
seems to be way too high res !
or wrong forum

nice work anyway

happy bl

No I just recently got an nvidia card so I’m able to do things I just didn’t have the patience for before. This is something to put into a portfolio. Yeah it would be WAY to geometry heavy to go into a game. If I were going to put this into a game I’d probably just model the whole thing and take render it out from different angles and use the plane trick that is used with plants in games.

I may model a panel. For now I’m just focused on the tube. Just finished the numbers and some other things. Oh made the blades that run across a bit bigger. I still have lots to do before this is done.

I am having a funny issue with the 5. For some odd reason it bevels larger than all the other numbers. Also the glow isn’t powerful enough and if I bump that up much higher it changes the color to yellow. I’ll have to composite the glow in later. I posted another thread asking if anyone knew how to use the light cast onto a plane to effect the alpha and only have that part renderable. That would be a cool trick.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Cool, I remember those from way, way back.

I’m glad I started this. I’m learning a lot and getting better at things I didn’t used to be very good at. Just finished the socket. I am pretty damn good at putting holes in meshes now. Something that I used to dread to have to do.

I think the material of the socket is a bit off, but this is pretty close. I think its made of a clear plastic maybe plexiglass sort of like frosted glass, but without that roughness on the surface. These are all done at 300 samples and need at least 1000.

Still have some details to put in but next render should be about it. I’ll fix the lighting, add some details, and spin up the samples to 1000 or so. Oh and composite some glow. Then we can start picking it apart and see how it can be made better.

Ok finally done. I’ll be posting more images as they finish rendering. Taking about 50mins each.

well I can’t post the image here even as a URL, so here’s the link. Please check it out and remember to zoom in. It’s 4k.

I’m… confused… what is this exactly?

It’s a nixie tube. They were used briefly in the 50’s I think as a sort of digital display for numbers. Just google nixie tube.

Can anyone tell me why I can’t post the URL’s as images here?

So, whats the object of the game?
It reacts on the numbers you type?

I just realized I posted this in the wrong section. Not a game. Its just a render.

XD !!!
I had a feeling something was kinda off…

Brent, you’ve obviously put a huge amount of effort into this project. The results are fantastic!

Brent, you’ve obviously put a lot of work into this project. I love the little details like the bubbles in the glass.