How to install on Linux?

Can someone advise step by step what to do to make this work on Linux? I’m new to it so dont assume I know anything. In fact, assume that every time I post. I have Ubuntu 13.04 and it looks like its downloaded a compressed archive or something.

Sorry, perhaps because of my bad English I did not understand.
Do you want to install Ubuntu on your computer? Or do you want to install Blender in Ubuntu?
If it is about installing Ubuntu, you should tell us the characteristics of your machine and if you have some version of Windows installed on it.

No its about installing Blender in ubuntu. Ubuntu is already installed and I have downloaded the blender archive into ubuntu.

Hi, install is not needed, only unpack in file manager and start with double click.
If it not start you have to start from a terminal to get more information, sometimes libraries are missing.

Cheers, mib.

Ah, ok. Two ways:

  1. Open the Software Center, search for “blender” and install it. You can use Blender now.
  2. If you downloaded the file from Blender site, surely it is a “tar.bz2” which is an compressed archive with binaries there, and they do not need to be installed. Just from your file browser uncompress it to a new folder, enter to the folder and run the file “blender” you will find there. You also do here what I have explained in 1) to ensure that the required dependencies are installed, and then step 2) work properly.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:irie/blender
add repository

sudo apt-get update
update repository…

sudo apt-get install blender

I uncompressed the files, but when i double click on the blender icon, absolutely nothing happens at all.

I would download blender from the software centre, but its an older version (2.66a not 2.68a)

Please, you first install from the Software Center as I had said before for the dependencies are installed. Then try running the file for 2.68a version.

If you feel up to it, you could try following instructions here ->

It’s a bit advanced for a newbie that you say you are, but it will give you the latest Blender build and keep it updated.

got it thanks!

You can obtain the latest stable version of Blender for Linux from the Blender download page or from your distribution software repository if it provides a Blender package
Blender for Linux is currently available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

First check if your distribution provides the latest Blender version through its package manager. If it doesn’t, download the appropriate version of Blender for Linux from the Blender download page and unpack the archive to a location of your choice.

This will create a directory named blender-VERSION-linux-glibcVERSION-ARCH, where VERSION is the Blender release version, glibcVERSION is the version of glibc required and ARCH is your computer architecture (i686 or x86_64). In this directory you will find the blender binary.

To run Blender,

Start your X.Org server (if it is not already running)
Navigate to the Blender directory using a file manager and double click the Blender executable or,
Open a terminal console, navigate to the Blender directory and execute the command ./blender
Installing into /opt or /usr/local
You can also install Blender into /opt or /usr/local by moving the Blender directory into one of those locations. If you want to be able to run Blender from any directory you will also need to update your PATH variable. Consult your operating system documentation for the recommended method of setting your PATH.

I have ubuntu 14.04 LTS installed and the way I got Blender to run is as follow :
First go to the ubuntu software center and search for Blender.
Once you have found blender, install it.
The version will be a recent one or an old one in relation to the current release 2.71.
Once Blender is installed, you go the and download the latest release for linux.
It will be a tgz file that you can open with the archive utility or 7zip or else
Once you have extracted the folder that is inside that archive you place it where you want, I did create a blender workshop folder where I put everything that is blender related.
There you place the blender release xxx
inside that folder you have files ad folders. in the files you will see a blender file that is marqued as executable.
that is the main blender to run
But what you can do is to create a “make link” file to the executable and move it to the desktop from where you will be able to run blender
It will run because all the dependencies and declarations have been made during the installation by the software center.
That’s it