Bezier curve as input to texture / shader?


I want to use a bezier curve as driver for e.g. a procedural texures size.
I draw a bezier curve in 3D view and want to use it’s coordinates to plug into a texture parameter like size, Color, noise or whatever parameter the texure has. So I could use Blenders bezier curve to create exact behaviour of any textue parameter.

Is that possible? How?

no, I don’t think that is possible, not in OSL. the amount of object information available is very limited and I am pretty sure you cannot access curve information of another object than the one being shaded. Maybe you can implement such a thing with Python nodes but I haven’t looked at that yet.

An alternative might be to use a color ramp node which can give you all sorts of smooth interpolations (and if you give it a value node as input you can key the value of the value node and possibly drive it with anything)