Racing Car [Game Ready Model] [Viewport/OpenGL Render] (Cycles Render added)

I’ve been working on this car a while now, and it’s finally finished. What do you think?

The hull is based on several versions of the Honda NSX, and a few other cars.

A turntable video:

For the correct images/video size, I had to use the OpenGL rendering functions, but what you see in the images/videos is the same you can see in the viewport, in realtime.


really it’s a miracle! very nice car and opengl render! like it

Very nice, do you have a wireframe?

Thank you, sharlybg!

For those interested in wires:

Nice work :slight_smile: its gonna take me a while to reach your level :smiley:

Looks nice, but why so many triangles?

acctualy it is pretty low poly for today standards in cars to the racing games. Today engines have dynamic tesselation…

All of the quads will be triangulated by hand before the car gets exported; the ones you see now are just the ones that the viewport renderer decided to split up “incorrectly”, so I split them by hand to avoid the reflection wobbling across the surface.

Wow nice work, but why Viewport OpenGL turntable? is it because the car is going to be used as game asset?
or do you plan doing a offline render with Cycles, just want a really nice viewport rendering.

Anyways, really nice work :slight_smile:

Yes, the car is going to be used as a game asset; the shaders won’t though, I made them just for practice (and because having a viewport shader that’s going to be used in the pictures helps a lot when modeling). I didn’t plan to make a Cycles render, but if a few people would like to see one, I’ll throw something together.

1000 samples, ~2h render time; my first time working with Cycles.