BGMC 10 | Avatar the last airbender.

After a quick look at my DVD collection I decided on Avatar the last airbender not to be confused with James Cameron’s Avatar.

The game will take place during the first war after the avatar disappeared, allowing players to choose what element thy want to play with.
Combat will revolve around bending, keeping the necessary animation to a minimum.
Four terrains will be made for each element, and objectives will change depending on what element is used.

These are the few key points I have considered, other important key points will be added when I think of them.

Wind bender missions will be more based on stealth because thy have no direct damaging attacks, although there will be some fighting especially at the end.


Great minds think alike

Want to team up?

I was JUST talking about this in my strange .blend thread.


RealTimeDeform.blend (578 KB)

I like that animated serie and the movie. Good luck

After reviewing some Avatar episodes, I decided on these stats.

Fire, Power.
Earth, substance.
Air, will.
Water, change.

Elemental relations are:
Water and Fire opposed.
Earth and Wind opposed.

Keeping it simple these stats will be Strength,Life,Energy,Defense.
Base stats are:
STR: 10
DEF: 10
HP: 100
EP: 100

Opposed element’s strengths will be subtracted and the elements strength will be added e.g.
STR: 10
DEF: 10
HP: 150
EP: 50

STR: 15
DEF: 5
HP: 100
EP: 100
Basic Bending will be done with the mouse, allowing players to control the elements.
Skills like healing and power attacks will be used with the number keys.

Ok idea, simple low poly levels, with integrated armatures for deformation of land, and allow earthbender to cause scene to “ripple” near him? causing people to fly and take damage?

Fire - have fire elements scattered around like torch or fire pits that they can cause area damage around when there primary hits?

water - similar to fire, but instead of an area effect, hitting a water vessel or puddle, etc with water attack, allows water bender to speed up attack rate rather then area and damage?

Instead of armatures wouldn’t it be simpler to move the vertices in a similar way to displacement?

These look good, I also think that grass and other objects should be able to be torched.

The displacement modifier does not work in the game engine,

and armatures can be IK target bound to rigid bodies, set to ghost, with gravity nullified and heavily dampened and we can use “Force pin” to Zero out back to where they started.

import bge
from mathutils import Vector
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()

target= scene.objects['Target']
distance = own.getDistanceTo(target)
vec = own.getVectTo(target)[1]
force = vec * X1*distance
m1  = own.worldOrientation.copy()
m2  = target.worldOrientation
dif = Vector((m2 * m1.inverted()).to_euler())
x = dif.magnitude
force1 = own['Force']
own.applyTorque(dif * force1*x, 0)

own.applyForce(force, 0)

Force pin is part of wrectifieds background workings, but is MIT 3.0 CC
so we can use anything in it I believe,

note that own target’s position can be changed,
for “Permanent” re-alignments :smiley:

A update on the game project:

After doing programming some basic “bending” for combat I ran into a large problem, I needed particles and a lot of them.
All the basic methods and emitters where consuming to many frames, so I made my own:

What you are looking at is 15 Emitters emitting 100 particles(1500 particles), keeping the frame rate at 60.
I will probably use only 400 particles so this is good.
It work by moving polygons around in a mesh, meaning it consumes the same amount as a skinned mesh moving every vertex each frame.

Here is the basic emitter, I will be using this to make all the other emitters.

BasicEmit.blend (507 KB)

Also here is the base meshes I will be using, I won’t be using them for something else after this so feel free to use them.


Thy are very rough, I was in a rush after the emitter took so much time.
Hopefully I will have a working demo by tomorrow.

No confusion- It’s just called the last airbender- no “Avatar” in the name.

I really like the way you did your particle system. I’m going to have to play around with if:D

When I started this project I completely miss judged the time it would take to make this game.
I didn’t want to finish the BGMC 10 empty handed so I decided to enter the most fun style of blending so far.
This is the toy box where I test bending:

AvatarToyBox.blend (2.52 MB)
Deforming the mesh is removed for now, there is still some bugs to work out.
I will still continue with this game for now.

Need any help?

I can do physics based stuff and meshes,

any way I can help you cap it off?

here is a physics based environment attack

this uses Wrectified “GrabAndMove”


RockSMash.blend (503 KB)

bumpdate added file above

note if you win,

I already own mirrors edge, so its yours :smiley:

I have a problem with objects above the mesh when deforming it.
I start by using the armature method from the RealTimeDeform.blend you linked to make a hill, next I use own.meshes[0].getVertex() selecting the vertex nearest to the hand object and move it up or out depending on the hill shape.(see the BasicEmit.blend)

This makes the land shape like clay and works fine, the objects above the moving land doesn’t move.
Updating the physics mesh works some times, yet it drops frames and at times resets the visual mesh and at other times violently throws objects around.
Edit: Objects with no dynamics just float around.

what about having a invisible ball at the “change center” that imparts impact?

DO you mean something that grabs the other objects and pulls them up?
Or do you mean a force that moves things away from the center?

both would be / are cool, but I just meant a invisible static, physics object that moves with the mouse? maybe on another collision layer?

How would this work?

while “Bending” is true -----------------------InvisablephysicsObject.worldPosition = cursor.worldPosition ?

or with my “Wrectified grab and move” you can use forces to move a invisible physics object as the target instead of “target”

Just have High dampening (so it does not float away to fast) , and have it on a layer that does not collide with the ground mesh, but collides with people/rocks and then have it snap to the cursor.

nullify gravity on the physics object with

always------------and-------------------------force Z - 9.8*mass

Note ( you could just have a “collision flag” (a static ghost) that is added around the cursor with edit actuator - add object,

then have my “wrectified grab and move” flip force application, (repulsion)