Theory Animation releases first short Ray and Clovis

Theory Animation is proud to announce the release of the first installment of “Ray and Clovis”, a series based on the comic interplay between Ray the iguana and Clovis the cat.

The team has adopted Blender since early last year, and all animation, modeling, and rendering have been done in Blender.
I myself began working with them April of 2012, and have been helping them to get familiar with tools in Blender. I hope you enjoy it, and I can’t wait for when we release the next two episodes :smiley:

woot i shouldn’t have slept so long and i could have been there for the release lol

All your lighting work for review - I asked David to get me autographs at the B3D table

Very nice work, congratulations, is that using the recent toon shader/freestyle or is it something else ?

We use regular diffuse shaders mixed together with layer weight nodes, and the edges are regular BI edges added in composite. There are some gloss nodes in there for certain purposes, but we were working on this from last year before the toon shader was in works.

The result is very good in any case, and the animations are really well done, how many episodes do you have in project ?

There are two more rendered already, and there are several more written but waiting for layout and animation to commence. I think we will see many more of them in shorts in the near future, but I hope we will see longer episodes as time goes by.

imho i think the next 2 are better than this one :smiley:
on this one i had a little lol
but the others are rofl

Its really very nice. i am waiting for next…

First off, good job. You should congratulate yourself and your team for getting it done. The cartoon-shaded look is effective and i wouldn’t change anything on it. There are some issues with Clovis’s design though - while it’s easy to tell Ray is an iguana, Clovis looks a bit odd for a cat. If i were in change of his design i’d tweak the texture by adding a bigger cat-shaped nose and eyebrows to help out with the facial expressions. Some whiskers might help also. The story is nothing spectacular - just Clovis doing imitations, but that is OK for a pilot episode, it works. The animation is expressive, but quality seems to vary depending on which animator did the scene. Try to avoid moments like at 0:24 when Clovis freezes completely. Even while a character is idle they still have to do subtle movements such as breathing and looking around. I’d recommend animating some movement a bit beyond the last frame so that the characters don’t “freeze” for a fraction of a second before the scene changes. This will also make it easier to trim later on during editing.

I’ll pass that along at the next meeting :smiley:

lol nice work. a good intro to the characters

Nice! The characters seem alive!

davida made a new tutorial showing comparisons in animation in Maya and Blender - pretty useful for migration either direction, and I think the examples show how similar they are :smiley:

Lol, the second episode made me laugh out loud! :stuck_out_tongue: Very funny. The animation is pretty good too.

I do feel the backgrounds need a bit more work here and there, as well as the overall camera work.


Respect for doing this show! I’m amazed how you manage to produce a whole series, and I also loved the presentation on handling remote artists in a production. Thank you for the great maya to blender workflow videos as well, very useful. I hope to follow your progress.


Herbert123: Thanks for the input, and glad you laughed with us - been holding back on sharing this for a bit since we already got to see it as we made it, and the rough edit was funny as it was. We are striving to improve, so we will be addressing these concerns as we go along.

juhada: thanks for the positive feedback on the videos - davida makes the tutorials on maya and blender together as a way to help users bridging between understand the similarities more easily. He has a pretty extensive background with Maya and has been using Blender for a little over a year in our production, so he is keen on finding these similarities and sharing them.

Only a few weeks and we will be releasing the third installment :smiley:

“Only a few weeks and we will be releasing the third installment :D”
Wait, where’s the second episode?

Maybe have a look here in the list of videos then

We launch the next in a few days

And here we go!!! Here is the latest installment, animated in Blender and rendered in Cycles :smiley: