Who doesn't love an Orc?

So I chose a quite ambitious project to start my sculpting journey. I started by grabbing a reference image. All credit goes to Dave K for the reference image. He used this in a Maya modeling tutorial which I remember reading sooo many years ago.:slight_smile: Link here http://www.thehobbitguy.com/tutorials/polymodeling/

Results so far:

I’ve been working on this for the last 6 days and have learned quite a bit. Still have a lot to tweak into shape but I can see the end nearing and wanted to get some additional C&C/direction if possible. I could be missing more than I think see’ing as I’ve staring at this waaayyyy to long. Thanks

**Edit: I’m also not using Dave’s final model as reference intentionally. I wanted to translate this to 3D using only what I see from the 2D drawing. I made it a point not look at his.

Small update, think I’m going to call it a night.

Judging from what you’ve got going there you could probably use more reference.

Absolutely, would be great if more was avaliable or my drawing skills were up to par x). Turning out to be quite the challenge.

It would help me a great bit more of you could tell me what you see that is throwing it off though.

For starters it’s a head in space. Busts are good to have a neck and a bit of the clavicle.
You might want to consider exploring different methods of sculpting. There’s box modelling for one.

And lastly no face is perfectly symmetrical. Slight offsets work wonders.