how to assign an action to several objects

I want to assign an action to several objects, but don’t know how to achieve it. I tried to read blender python api, but found nothing useful. Can someone help?

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hi there…
you can do it this way!

bpy.context.active_object.animation_data.action =["action_name"]

for selected objects it can be done this way:

for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
    ob.animation_data.action =["action_name"]
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I tried running this script, but there is a small issue: the objects I have selected already contain one action beforehand. Is there any way of modifying this script so that it will respect the actions the selected objects already have? In other words I need to only append this new action while also keeping the old ones intact.

You can’t reference multiple actions per object, only one action can be associated.

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Now I’m confused. Isn’t the NLA editor meant for blending multiple actions of an object together? That makes me think that an object could have several different actions, but maybe I have misunderstood something?

Object.animation_data.action can only reference a single action at any time. NLA does not store its data on object level.