Maya Keyconfig, deselect?

Hey, I don’t know if I’m being stupid but I can not seem to deselect anything when using the maya keybindings, no matter which modifer key(s) I hold down. So I’m wondering how do you deselect something when using Maya Keybindings?

Shift+MMB deselects if I switch to the Maya keyset

Sorry for not replying earlier been really busy. Shift + MMB doesnt seem to deselect a single item, however if I draw using the rope-like tool I can deslect. I’m looking for how to deselect a single item.

Scratch that, I’m being inattentive.

If I have a few selected objects in object mode, or multiple things selected in edit mode I either hold the shit key down and click the RMB twice, once to make it the active object, the second time to deselect it. Or I press C then MMB on the item to be delected.

Hmm, seems like there’s been some regression:

I’ve checked on 2.66a, and shift+left click indeed does work. However, that is no longer the case on 2.67/2.67a.

Thanks for testing it out, I assume that this means it is a bug. Hopefully it’ll be patched soon.