LuxRender v1.3 Node editor demo!

I’ve recorded a demo tutorial of sorts touring the new node editor and building a few example materials. And covering a few other new Lux features along the way. Enjoy, and happy Blending!

great news i was waiting for this.

cool… is it possible to download this build already? i cannot find it in “weekly builds” section… :slight_smile:

I don’t there are any packaged builds up yet, but you can always just download it from the repo. See:

This looks great. :slight_smile: Top work, makes me interested in giving Lux another go…

Lux+SLG+Blender+nodes+maybe realtime cycles-like viewport, that will be very long awaiting tool. With some polishing and PR i am sure that will strike news headlines. Any average linux user can fire it and get some cool picture after few clicks, all just from distributive box, no other tweaks. With CAD-like things in Blender it can compete with Autocad monster, as valuable alternative on free software.

You guyss absolutely Rock! Will try as soon as 2.67 is out.

Quick update: test builds for all platforms are now up on the weekly forum:

You will need 2.67rc1 (or svn) if you don’t already have it. Grab it here:

gl hf!

amazing !!!

i just tried it - great to have gpu accelerated hair rendering… :slight_smile:

Got it, but can’t force it to work:

Never mind. People at luxrender forum have told me what I did wrong.