Blender and GTA 4

Is there a plugin to import and export GTA 4 Models?

has there been any attempts. Unfortunately I have no idea how to make import export scripts myself but this would be a great import export script to have in blender

whats the file format of gta 4 models???

the format is wft for models and wtd for textures (textures not too worried about)

I tried googling for a wft loader for blender and nothing came up. if you want to make it yourself then you need to learn the inside of the file and then right a loader using python.

ya unfortunately I have no clue about python. Plus how do I see the inside of the file. If I open it in notepad its just mumbo jumbo

well you see it is in binary format and I don’t think their is a way of opening it using notepad so I suggest google it more and maybe you will find it also why do you want to use them in blender?

maybe just find a converter that can convert it to .3ds or .md2 or .obj, google it!!

Oh I also noticed that you have the option to export the gta models as smd. Can blender import those? I notice there are export plugins but what about import?

I tried this import script but I get a python error:

heres the importer just open it up in the text editor and run it.

EDIT: its for the smd files.

Ok I tried but it crashes whenever I try to import

also I messaged somebody on here about how they got it to work and this is what they said

“Hi, that was a long time ago. Perhaps you can try an older Blender (2.49?). The script uses python, perhaps also an older python.”

would that fix my problem?

but what do u mean open it in am a text editor and run it?

The smd importer (i think) is designed around the importing of Sims 2 models.

I know it doesn’t work for Sims 3 meshes yet, so it may not work for GTA4.

Sorry to be pessimistic, but that’s my guess.

well do you know what the text editor is?? it is the window type as in the 3d view window, split it in half and change one of them into a text editor and then open up the importer, (you have to unzip the file so it is on its own) and then click on run.

also tell me what blender version you are using??

ok I ran it and got an unknown error in the console

I am running Blender 2.49b

well can you tell me what the error was

ERROR <Unknown>:
No Valid argument option chosen

Script terminated. There might be unfinished imported objects in your current project

wll try googling for ways of importing smd to blender.

honestly I think I tried them all. The only other one that works gives me a very distorted figure and this error

SMD Import 0.1
Warning: removed zero sized bone: wheelmesh_lf
Warning: removed zero sized bone: bodyshell
File …\ , line 543, in fs_callback
File …\ , line 54, in read
File …\ , link 130, in ParseFile
File …\, line 369, in parseTriangles

IndexError: list index out of range

maybe if you use an older version of blender it may work for you since blender has been updated since them scripts have been made, and then you can export them and upload them to the version you want try that.

Don’t bother. The smd importer works fine in 2.49b.

You see, smd files are like nif files. (google it)

The file structure is very loose and flexible. There are probably 50+ games out there that use smd and nif files, but they are all slightly different in the data that they store in the file…

As an example, Oblivion nif files are different than Star Trek nif files, or Command n Conquer nif files.

Sims2 smd files are different than Sims3 smd files, the importer doesn’t work on Sims3 smd files until somebody rewrites the importer/exporter script.